Wednesday, April 05, 2017

R! related

R! related

Blog: R Documentation and Learning Resources

  • RStudio is an IDE for R. RStudio combines an intuitive user interface with powerful coding tools to help you get the most out of R. RStudio Webinars
  • Rcmdr is a GUI of R.
  • esquisse is a great addin for ggplot2
  • Deducer is a good but relative old GUI for exploring data like JMP with ggplot2 behind (Plot Builder). JGR is a Java GUI for R. (ggplot2 – much easier with JGR and Deducer). To use Deducer, you need - install.packages(c("JGR", "Deducer", "DeducerExtras")) -, submit: - library(JGR) -, - JGR() -; then, in the JGR console, to load Deducer, go to 'Packages & Data' > 'Package Manager' and select Deducer and DeducerExtras. more: all-in-one installing JGR and Deducer. Notes: 1) to set JAVA location using --- options(java.home="xxx/Java/") ---. 2) rJAVA ver 9.6 needs running under the 32 bit R! on my computers.
  • GrapheR (pdf) is another GUI for draw customized graphs without knowing any R commands.
  • Tessera - Open source environment for deep analysis of large complex data (Divide and recombine)
  • The application Bio7 is an integrated development environment for ecological modelling and contains powerful tools for model creation, scientific image analysis (ImageJ) and statistical analysis.
Communication between SAS and R

Graphical parameters

R! How can I include Greek letters in my plot labels?
Revolutions: How to make a heat map in R, Superheat: supercharged heatmaps for R

    Chart Chooser —  improves Excel and PowerPoint charts. there is R! version of Chart Chooser (not many charts on the site, but the idea is great)

      Packages (rdrr.ioCRANRdocumentation, Inside-R, Quick-R, Bioconductor)

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