Sunday, February 08, 2015

The Roseto Mystery

The Roseto Mystery

A few days ago, I read a book, Outliers (2008), by Malcolm Gladwell. The book is quite insightful. All children, parents, grandparents (ha-ha), and educators can be benefited from reading it. The introduction chapter is about the Rosetans who living in the Pennsylvannia, which is more related to my work. The Rosetans are outliers who are eating a big portion of saturated fat including lard with some other bad habits such as smoking. However, “THESE PEOPLE WERE DYING OF OLD AGE. THAT’S IT.” The Gladwell showed some evidences of importance of a low stressful lifestyle, good supports from family, friends, and communities for the health and longevity.

Here are a few more stories related to the Rosetans who living in Roseto, Pennsylvania: